Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tattoos in the Workplace

I looked at the article Tattoos No Longer a Kiss of Death in the Workplace. This article discuss that tattoos are becoming more acceptable in medical, educational and corporate fields although, the tattoo policies still differ for various businesses(Hennessey, 2013). According to CEO John Challenger “most employers today would agree that a person’s appearance is nowhere near as important as his or her professional skills”(Hennessey, 2013).  An example of a major corporation that does not have a formal policy on tattoos is Bank of America(Hennessey, 2013). Moreover, in the medical field tattoos should be covered up but having a tattoo does not hinder your chances of getting a job(Hennessey, 2013). Most hospitals require you to cover up your tattoos during work hours because you should appear professional in front of patients(Hennessey, 2013). This article goes on to discuss having tattoos in the educational field and about people who have tattoos that work with children.  For example, the director at L.A.’s Tumbleweed Day Camp decided he would look at tattoos on “case by case basis” because having a no tattoo policy would mean they could lose out on talented and qualified individuals(Hennessey, 2013).

My Thoughts:
         I personally enjoyed reading this article because it shows that some companies are becoming more inclusive of people with tattoos. However, at the end of the day it seems you’re better off not having a tattoo since the article also included a 2011 survey by career builder which states that “31 per cent of employers ranked having a visible tattoo as the top personal attribute that would dissuade them from promoting an employee”(Hennessey, 2013). Moreover, I find it odd that doctors are asked to cover up their tattoos unless their offensive; because at the end of the day having a tattoo or not having one doesn't change his or her skills or how he or she can help a patient.  I find that tattoos are becoming a normal part of our society since a growing number of people are getting inked and eventually this topic will not be a huge concern among employers.  However, a tattoo that is visibly offensive should not be shown in any workplace. I think that Tattoo policies in the workplace are a bad idea, the only rule they should have regarding tattoos is not to have visibly offensive tattoos. You should be solely  evaluated on your skills

   Hennessey, R. (2013, February 27). Tattoos no longer a kiss of death in the workplace. Forbes Magazine, Retrieved from

If you have a tattoo, have you ever been asked to cover it up?
Would you be bothered by a co-workers tattoos?
Does your place of work have a tattoo policy?

Would it bother you or would you find it uncomfortable that your doctor has tattoos?

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