Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Religious Symbols not allowed in the Workplace

The article Quebec Seeks Ban on Religious Symbols in Public Places, is an interesting read and I have provided the link below. Here is a brief summary of the article: "The separatist Parti-Quebecois would like to make the provincial government religion neutral” (Shingler, 2013).  It plans to accomplish this by not allowing people to wear religious symbols such as “Jewish skull caps, Sikh turbans, Muslim head scarves and large crucifixes” in the workplace (Shingler, 2013). There is backing for this proposal but mostly from French speaking individuals (Shingler, 2013). This proposal if passed would affect people who work in “public institutions, including day care workers, doctors, nurses, teachers and police officers” (Shingler,2013). According to Minister Bernard Drainville, these rules will help achieve "gender equality, bring society together and maintain a secular state” (Shingler, 2013). This new proposal has many people concerned because they feel they will have to choose between their faith and their jobs (Shingler, 2013). Other political parties in Canada have stated there for such a proposal and Muslim mayor Nenshi went far as welcoming religious minorities to Calgary saying "we don't care how you worship” (Shingler, 2013).

My Thoughts:

It is really sad to see a Canadian province trying to enact such a proposal because a lot of people come to Canada so they can practice their religion openly. I don’t understand how such rules will promote togetherness as minister Drainville suggests since. Forcing people to choose between their faith and their job is not fair and will create a stressful and tense environment throughout the province. Additionally, belonging to a religious group and or wearing religious symbols has never been a problem in the past.  One of the things that I thought separated Canadians from other countries is that we can all live together and respect one another’s faith as long as we are not hurting anyone. We have always been a tolerable society and this proposal seems to want to point out our differences in a negative light.  Why should the government be allowed to tell me when I can or cannot wear a hijab/turban/skull cap? I am beginning to wonder if there will be more regulations regarding how people practice their religions ? This is a really bad idea and I hope this proposal does not pass because nobody should have to pick between their faith and careers. However, this might be a great opportunity for other provinces who maybe short on staff for certain positions such as doctors. I believe as long as your dressed appropriately, meaning nothing offensive or too revealing it should not matter what you wear. 
The following religious attire would not be allowed in the workplace.

       Shingler, B. (2013, October 9). Quebec seeks ban on religious symbols in public work places. Huffington Post. Retrieved from

Image Retrieved from

1.       Do you think the government is crossing the line by creating a proposal that would limit how people practice their religion?
2.        How do you think this will impact the province overall in terms of immigration and workplace recruitment?

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